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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

AYSO Region 42 – Newbury Park, CA

Parents FAQ

Our parent manual (PDF) contains most everything you need to know, but here are some frequently asked questions.

How old does my child have to be to start playing soccer in AYSO Region 42? What is the oldest division?

Our 5U division is our entry point for players, and is meant for children who will turn 4 years old between January 1 and December 31 of the current year. Our program culminates with our 19U division, which includes players who will turn either 16, 17 or 18 years of age between January 1 and December 31 of the current year. 

My child is younger/more mature/taller/shorter/more shy/more competitive than kids their age. Can they play up/down a division?

Players are assigned to a division based on their birth year. In order to allow players to remain with their peers, keep teams balanced, and provide a safe and positive experience, requests to play in a younger or older division will not be granted. 

Who will be on my team?

For 6U and below, players are assigned to teams randomly. For 7U and up, players will be evaluated for skills before the season starts. AYSO is committed to balancing teams every season to ensure that every child has a safe and positive experience. Note: No evaluations are required for 16U and older players, as there are typically only one or two teams in those divisions and the coaching staff is usually familiar with most of the players.

Can't I play on the same team as my friend? / I want to be on a certain coach's team again!

For 6U and below, this is not a problem for reasonable requests (i.e., we will not create a team where every player asks to play with each other). For 7U/8U, we will attempt to make such accommodations, but we cannot guarantee them because of team balancing. In 10U and older, we cannot honor such requests. AYSO guidelines state that the only players that can be assigned to a specific coach are the coach’s own children. If it is important for your child to be on the same team as another child, you may choose to coach or become an assistant coach for the team your child desires to be a part of. Please email the Coach Administrator for details. However, siblings who play in the same age group will usually be placed on the same team (exceptions may apply).

My child really wants to play, but I'm not sure we can afford it.

For families with limited finances, we do offer a small number of scholarships. Please email the Registrar for details.

How can I help?

Thank you so much for stepping up! Please see our volunteer page for information.

What equipment will my child need?

  • Shin guards: Shin guards MUST be worn during all practices and games. They MUST be under the socks and completely covered Please be sure to pick shin guards that are the correct size for your child. The top of the shin guard should be about two inches from the bottom of the kneecap.
  • Soccer ball: Make sure you have the correct size for the age division. 8U and younger use a size 3 ball, 10/12U use size 4, and 14U and older use size 5.
  • Soccer cleats: These are not required, but they are recommended because it's easy to slip on grass while wearing regular athletic shoes. Please get specialized cleats (aka boots) for soccer, as those made for other sports may have the wrong type of studs or use metal studs, which are not permitted in soccer.

Many sporting goods stores have package deals before the season starts, where you can get all three for a reasonable price.

When are uniforms distributed?

Uniforms are typically delivered from our vendor near the beginning of September. However, coaches cannot receive them until all of the team's volunteer positions are filled.

My 8-year-old is large for his age; can we get an adult-size uniform?

Yes, as long as we know before the uniforms are ordered. Please let your Division Director or the Uniform Coordinator as soon as possible (i.e., before we do the ordering), and we should be able accommodate you. If the request comes any later than that, we cannot guarantee anything.

What if my child gets injured?

Soccer is a physical sport and although we try our best to keep the game safe for everyone, sometimes players still get hurt.  If an injury does happen during a game, the referee will immediately stop play to deal with the injury.  First Aid kits and ice packs are provided to coaches before the start of the season, and extra supplies are available at the Pepper Tree Playfields shed and the Dos Vientos Referee tent.  If the player requires treatment by a doctor or other medical professional, even for injuries or illnesses sustained outside of AYSO, they are not permitted to participate in AYSO activities again until the region receives a completed Participation (Return to Play) Release form.  As part of the player's registration fee, players are covered by Soccer Accident Insurance (SAI) – a secondary/excess medical and/or dental insurance should an accidental injury occur during specified AYSO activities and events. Please contact the Region 42 Safety Director if you have any questions about Soccer Accident Insurance or soccer safety in general.

My child just got pierced ears/hair beads. Are they acceptable?

Earrings? No. Jewelry of any type may not be worn at any time during soccer games or practices. Covering them up with a band-aid or tape is not acceptable. This is very important for your child’s safety, and the safety of their teammates. If your child is unable to remove these items, they will not be able to participate.

Hair beads? Yes, but only if they are secured (for example, in a bun). If there is a risk that an unsecured bead could hit another player in the eye, then your child will not be able to play. The final decision on whether beads appear to be safe or not will be made by the referee at game time.

Why can’t I bring my dog/pet?

We love pets and understand that they are a part of your family. In the interest to prevent safety and health issues, we must ask you to leave your pets at home. There are several reasons why – including players that are allergic, children that are afraid, and, as friendly as pets may be, we have had incidents where normally friendly pets are startled by a ball or player suddenly coming at them and have become aggressive. Service animals, as defined by the Americans With Disabilities Act are welcome.

What happens in case of bad/hot weather?

As we only have use of our fields by permission of the Conejo Recreation and Parks Department, practices and games may be cancelled due to poor field conditions caused by inclement weather. Regular season games will be rescheduled if possible. We try to keep our field information page updated with the latest status, so if you don't hear from your coach, please look there for information. If it begins raining during a game or practice, we will make decisions at that time. For safety reasons, we never play when lightning is nearby. Unfortunately, we cannot offer partial refunds due to cancellations. On the other end of the spectrum, we still play during heat waves, but referees are empowered to give extra time for water breaks to prevent heat exhaustion and dehydration.  See our Severe Weather Guidelines for additional information and details.

My kid had a fantastic season. Will she get chosen for All-Stars?

We have two post-season programs for players in 10U–14U divisions: the Panther Shootout tournament (PSO), and All-Stars (a third program, League Playoffs, is reserved for teams who finish near the top of the standings in their division). Player selection for both is entirely at the discretion of the respective team coaches. Players may be selected based on performance during the season, but other factors may also come into play, such as compatibility with teammates, or willingness to be a team player. Furthermore, as All-Stars is considered a developmental program, coaches may choose players who they feel may benefit from it. The coaches' decisions are final.

What if I have additional questions?

Please visit our Board Members Page for contact information for all of our current board members and feel free to reach out to any of us with questions. If you're not sure who to contact, you can always send us a message at [email protected] and we will help direct you to the correct individual. 

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Contact Us

AYSO Region 42 – Newbury Park, CA

P.O. Box 709 
Newbury Park, California 91319

Email Us: [email protected]
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