Updated: September 10, 2021
First, we continue to encourage any spectators at training and games to maintain physical distancing (6 ft+). We also continue to ask coaches and players to also maintain physical distancing (6 ft+) when not active on the field. Anyone is welcome to also wear a mask whether playing, coaching or observing.
Recognizing the symptoms and acting are important steps to reducing the spread of COVID-19. We encourage you to review the recommendations issued by the Center for Disease Control, the COVID-19 Symptoms list and chart, additional links from the CDC, and links from the County of Ventura, found in the sidebar on this page. Ventura County has asked us to refer families to them as situations and recommendations may differ on a family by family basis.
Any, player, volunteer, spectator who has COVID-19 symptoms should NOT attend any AYSO event, should self-quarantine, and seek appropriate medical advice and/or care.
Players and others should not come to games, practices, or any other AYSO event if they have any of the following:
- Cough
- Fever
- Chills
- Muscle pain
- Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing*
- Sore throat
- New loss of taste or smell
*Seek medical care immediately if someone has emergency warning signs of COVID-19:
- Trouble breathing
- Persistent pain or pressure in the chest
- New confusion
- Inability to wake or stay awake
- Bluish lips or face
This is not all possible symptoms. The CDC recommends that you call your medical provider for any other symptoms that are severe or concerning to you.
Coaches: If you have a player that comes to practice or games with above symptoms do NOT allow them to participate and ensure they stay separated from the team and others.
Families of players and any volunteer should self-report to the region if:
- they have symptoms of COVID-19
- they receive a positive test result for COVID-19
- or they were exposed to someone with COVID-19 within the past 10 days.
AYSO will make every effort to protect the confidentiality and privacy of all involved, including never revealing the name of the individual or family reporting a case of COVID-19, except to the local health agency as required.
Steps For Reporting:
- Affected volunteers, or families of players, should make the report to the Region 42 Safety Director, or directly to the player's coach.
If you are a coach, please notify the Safety Director with the information of the report. - The Region Safety Director will log the report, notify the AYSO National office, and contact County of Ventura Health Officials with contact information as appropriate.
- If necessary, the Region Safety Director will notify affected coaches, team families, and others that may have come in contact with the reporting individual, while taking all steps to ensure the privacy and confidentiality of the individual.
The Region's Safety Director will follow-up with each affected individual and family on a case by case basis to ensure a safe return to AYSO activities. In general, before returning to participation following a positive COVID-19 report or contact:
- The affected individual should complete a quarantine period in accordance with current guidance from Ventura County.
- If the individual is a player, complete and sign an AYSO Participation (Return to Play) Release form indicating they are able to return to AYSO activities. This is a standard form required before a player can return to AYSO events (practices, games, meetings, etc.) after they have a visit to or require the care of a physician due to injury or illness. The completed form should be sent to the Region Safety Director.
- Provide a negative COVID-19 test result, or a note from a physician indicating that the person is able to participate in activities again. This can be provided to Region Safety Director, or to the player's coach.
- The Safety Director will advise impacted coaches and families on when they can resume activities if they had been suspended.
The safety and well-being of all our participants and families is our first priority. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation as we work through these difficult times. Please see below for more detailed guidance from the County of Ventura Health Department staff, and the links found on the list of links on the Region 42 COVID Information page for more resources.
Darryl Levi
Region 42 Safety Director
[email protected]