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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

AYSO Region 42 – Newbury Park, CA


Region 42 is proud to bring youth soccer to our community through all our amazing volunteers! As a coach you are a role model tasked with bringing a positive and enjoyable experience for all involved. As such, here are some ground rules that we expect all coaches to follow.


·        Enthusiastically support and practice AYSO philosophies especially “Positive Coaching”. 

·        Be reasonable in your demands on the young players’ time, energy, enthusiasm and their performance on the soccer field. 

·        Impress on your players that they must abide by the rules of the game at all times (know the laws of the game). 

·        Develop GOOD SPORTSMANSHIP by encouraging the team to respect their opponents, as well as the judgment of referees and  opposing coaches. 

·        Ensure that your players’ soccer experience is one of fun and enjoyment (winning is only a part of it).  Players should never be yelled at  or ridiculed for making mistakes or losing a game. 

·        Set a good example and be generous with your praise when it is deserved. 

·        Check the equipment and facilities that you use.  They should meet safety standards and be appropriate for the age and ability of your  players. 

·        During the game, you are responsible for your behavior and that of your sideline. Encourage parents to applaud and cheer for good plays  by either team. Discourage any parent or spectators from yelling at players and referees. (see zero tolerance policy)

Coach encroachment on the field-
Region 42 will have zero tolerance for coaches entering the field of play to challenge a referee.  Referees are instructed to send the coach off, meaning the coach will leave the vicinity of the field and go to the parking lot. If a coach refuses to leave the field the game will be terminated as a forfeit win for the opponent. In addition to the sendoff, the coach will receive at a minimum an additional game suspension.

·        If you have a major complaint, if you think the referee was unfair, biased, or may need follow up training, report your concern/opinion to  the Referee Administrator. Your concern/complaint will be taken seriously if they are presented objectively and formally.

·        After the game, high five the other teams players, shake hands with the coaches and thank the referees and ask your players to do the  same.

Handshake line clarification:
We have had far too many instances of coaches using the handshake line at the end of games to air grievances, whether to opposing players, coaches, or the referee team.  The handshake line is for one purpose, and that is to express sportsmanship.  The only words that should be used in the handshake line are phrases such as “Good job”, “Well done”, and “Thanks”.  Any instance of airing grievances to a player, a coach, or a referee, no matter how valid the grievance, will earn an automatic one game suspension.  Issues with a player or coach should be brought to the attention of the division director, and issues with a referee should be brought to the attention of the referee administrator.

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Contact Us

AYSO Region 42 – Newbury Park, CA

P.O. Box 709 
Newbury Park, California 91319

Email Us: [email protected]
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